1) What is the Political Status of those who become apart of ARNA
The Political Status is Indigenous American aka Aboriginal American.
2) By What rights do we gain this status?
We gain this right by Jus Soli and Jus sanguineous. Jus Soli means we are born here on this land, the land of of ancestors who were the first inhabitants (Autochthons). Jus Sanguineous means we SELF IDENTIFY as Indigenous via a Government and connect ourselves to our Aboriginal Bloodlines through documented process.
3) Are nationals of the ARNA Xi-Amaru Government Nationals or Citizens of the United States of America
Nationals of the ARNA Xi-Amaru Government are both Nationals and Citizens of the Unites States of America. SPECIFICALLY via the SNYDER Act also termed The Indian (Indigenous) Citizenship Act of 1924. This Act is not like the 14th Amendment, as it is a contract and Statute that Guarantees the protection of our Aboriginal tribal rights and Property.
4) Are Nationals of the ARNA Xi-Amaru Government 14th amendment citizens?
No We are not. The 14th Amendment removed the word Free from persons as it is shown in Article 1 Section 2 Clause 3 of the United States Constitution when applies to free white persons ofEuropean descent. 14th Amendment Citizens do not have Snyder Act protections on Indigenous and Tribal property.
5) What is the meaning of federal recognition as an Indian tribe and is ARNA Xi-Amaru Tribe recognized?
Federal recognition means that a tribe receives services from the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Those Tribes are 501 (c) 3s. The Bureau of Indian Affairs can alter and amend their constitutions and those tribes have relinquished their autonomy.
ARNA Xi-Amaru Tribal Government made direct communications with the US Department of State in 2006 for its recognition. We have kept all of the records.
We are an Autonomous Indigenous Government securing ALL of our Indigenous Rights and we are entitled to ALL of our protections as an Indigenous Tribal Government that is foreign to the United States Government. See USC 18 section 11. This also allows us access to International Rights and Human Rights as opposed to being stuck with civil privileges also termed civil rights.
Title 18 Part I Chapter I § 11
§ 11. Foreign government defined
The term “foreign government”, as used in this title except in sections 112, 878, 970, 1116, and 1201, includes any government, faction, or body of insurgents within a country with which the United States is at peace, irrespective of recognition by the United States.
6) Are Nationals of ARNA Exempt from Employment Taxes?
Nationals of ARNA XI-Amaru Tribal Government are exempt when they exclusively work within the tribes indigenous jurisdiction. If a national works within the US jurisdiction, and their Employer requires them to be tax liable, then they MUST follow the law.
We encourage Entrepreneurship within the tribe to properly access tax exemption.
7) Are Nationals in ARNA Exempt from Sales tax?
Yes. nationals have 4 ways to implement sales tax Exemption
Method 1-
Use their Tribal IDS to make Purchases and the states Single sales purchase forms. These forms are always available on the States Secretary of State website.
Method 2-
Use their Tribal Business to register with Stores to access Exemption with that particular Store. That store will issue a tax exempt card.
Method 3- Establishment of a Local Jurisdiction where the local Jurisdiction Operates a 501 (d) Exempt Instrumentality that all lawful nationals have a right to access.
Method 4- Nationals can establish their own 501 (d) by requesting the service of a jurist to complete the process. They will receive a determination letter from the Department of Treasury-IRS that they can use for exemption on federal, state and local levels.
8) Are Nationals Exempt from property Taxes?
Yes they can access this exemption. In order to implement property tax exemption, the National Must have an Indigenous Business that they can quitclaim the property over to. The Indigenous Business Must have a 501 (d) Determination Letter. The national must file/ or get a jurist to file this information at the County/Parish/ Borough recorder of deeds annually and thus the national can implement Property tax Exemption. The Property must be used for some Indigenous Cultural or Indigenous religious purpose periodically by law.
9) Do Nationals use the US Courts to complete name changes?
Nationals must first change their names via our Indigenous courts by consulting with a jurist. This gives the name change precedence in indigenous jurisdiction. Afterwards, the jurist gives the national instructions on how to complete the process in the US Jurisdiction. After this you can place your Indigenous Name on any Contract including:
Social Security card
State Drivers License
US Passport
Insurance Contracts
Anywhere the old name appeared in contract
This allows the National to bring their indigenous rights into contracts. There are other groups teaching sovereign citizen methods that are unlawful/illegal and have no business operating efficiency.
10) Does ARNA have its own passports or do you all use US passports?
The purpose of a passport is to protect you while in a foreign land. There are many scammers claiming they have passports that are lawful. They are not. The US has embassies for our protection in foreign lands when traveling. ARNA does not have embassies therefore it is not lawful or practical to give our nationals passports. We correct our status properly then use that status when filling out the DS 75 application or updating our names on passports we already have.
11) Do We have Our Own Courts?
Yes we have the ARNA National Jural Society who handles all arbitration and cases within the ARNA Jurisdiction. The website is You can file claims here or go through the Prosecutor at headquarters by filing a complaint online.
12) Where do we go to register for Coursework?
You can register for Coursework at: in the store
also at the store.
You can also contact Bak Amaru at
Bak Was the first student after Chief Ali to complete dissertations and he is qualified to do coursework.
Our Nationals must complete dissertations to be eligible to teach coursework.
Currently no other websites offer courses besides these 3 websites.
13) If I want Jurist work done where do I go?
If you want jurist work done you MUST contact a Credentialed jurist. be careful. many people come in our name or former jurists removed may try to bait you. We keep an Updated list here:
14) If we want genealogy services done where do we go?
ARNA Has certified genealogists. These students have completed coursework and are skilled in assisting you at tracking your lineage. Here is a list of Certified ARNA Genealogists
15) If We need Indigenous Medical Services where do we go?
All Indigenous Medical Services and products and literature are at It is here we have a list of our Certified Indigenous Doctors as well
16) What makes the ARNA Xi-Amaru Tribal Government different that other Indigenous and Moorish groups?
We do not implement any pseudo SOVEREIGN CITIZEN Scamming tactics. There are only two types of government that have a lawful/legal right to exist on this land.
The United States of America & Indigenous Tribal Governments
We are here to build Indigenous Families, Indigenous Institutions, and Indigenous Governance by being a respectful, peaceful, disciplined, and righteous people. We build Institutions that can hold ARNA nationals and IPA members accountable and keep them focused on building progressively in their families and communities.
To contact us use the contacts on this website.
Thank you
Chief Amaru Xi-Ali