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- EBOOK - The White Men Who Wrote the Bible
EBOOK - The White Men Who Wrote the Bible
The White Men Who Wrote the Bible
The Jewish Arab & European Theft & Forgery
of Indigenous Afro-Asiatic History Volume 1 of 2
Introduction- Why Am I Writing the Book & Tactics of Falsifiers of History
I. The Forgery of the New Testament- Flavius Josephus aka Paul-Pseudographia – Pages 7-9
II. Ebla Tablets & The 1st Mention of Israel vs The Pseudo Forged Israel of the Bible- Pages 10-15
III. Ebla Tablets Ibriym & The Biblical Invention of the Pseudo Character Abraham/Abram - Pages 16-23
IV. Who Wrote the Bible-The Abbasid reconstruction of History Pages 24-41
V. Papyrus, Parchment & Paper Bibles - The Invention of Paper & The Construction of Bibles in the Abbasid Period - Pages 42-51
VI. Arab Abbasid Christians vs Ummaya Egyptian Muslims-The Wars that Created the Need for a Bible - Pages 52-67
VII. Invasion of Egyptian and Levantine Temples as the Source Material for Biblical Stories - Pages 68-127
VIII. Yakub/Jacob as the God of the Jews aka Hyksos - Pages 128-130
IX. The Invention of Jesus from Serapis & Zeus-The Birth of White Gods-The Colonization of Black Gods - Pages 131-150
X. Who Wrote the New testament & When - Pages 151-153
XI. Constantine’s 50 Bibles-Illiterate Europe No Bibles - Pages 154-155
XII. Who Wrote the Pentateuch aka The Torah-1st 5 Books of the Bible-When did they Write it - Pages 156-157
XIII. Who Invented the AD- BC Calendar & When - Pages 158-166
XIV. Joseph Scaliger, Dionysius Petavius & The Reconstruction of History & Chronology - Pages 167-188
XV. Biblical Forgery- There are no Original Bibles on Earth - Pages 189-196
a) Aleppo Text Forgery
b) Masoretic Text Forgery
c) Codex Sinaiticus Forgery
d) Codex Vaticanus Forgery
e) Codex Alexandrius Forgery
f) Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus Forgery
g) Dead Sea Scrolls Forgery
h) Nag Hammadi Library Forgery
XVI. Who Forged the Septuagint - Pages 197-199
XVII. The People Who Never Existed - Pages 200-220
a) Flavius Josephus aka Paul
b) Manetho
c) Ptolemy
d) Eusebius
e) St Jerome
f) Constantine
g) Alexander the Great
XVIII. The Qur’aan Predates the Bible- How the Ummaya Translated Egyptian Writing- Pages 221-222
XIX. The Quran & Bible have 2 Different Saviors who lived at 2 Different Times-Isa is not Jesus - Pages 223
XX. The Egyptians used for the Biblical Character Moses – Pages 224-225
XXI. Immaculate Conception in Egypt- Christianity’s Theft of Immaculate Conception - Pages 226
XXII. The Invention of Hebrew- Hebrew is not a Language – Pages 227-231
XXIII. The Invention of Greek-Greek is not a language - Pages 232-236
XXIV. Correcting Biblical & European Chronology - Pages 237-239
XXV. The Source of the Adam & Eve Story - Pages 240-242
XXVI. The Source of the Cain and Abel Story – Page 243
XXVII. David & Solomon Based on These Egyptian Pharaohs – Page 244
XXVIII. The Prophets of the Bible Were Described as White Men by the Bibles Authors - Pages 245-246
XXIX. Being Black Was Scorned By Biblical Authors-Solomons Wife-The Jewish Curse of Ham – Page 247
XXX. Biblical Figures Married Children – Biblical Pedophilia- Pages 248-250
XXXI. The Barmakid Family at the Abbasid Court- How Buddhist Scholars Developed Biblical Narratives - Pages 251-253
XXXII. The Book Of Revelations is not Prophecy-Its History-Greek Seleucid, & Roman History - Pages 254-256
XXXIII.How the Bible entered Africa - Pages 257-261
XXXIV. How the Saracens Broke Byzantine Power - Pages 262-264
XXXV. Why the Church & Arabs attacked the Moors - Pages 265-268
XXXVI. A Battle of Sorcery- The Bible as the White Man’s Greatest tool of Slavery – Page 269
Pages 270-308
APPENDIX A – Pseudo Paul and Pseudo Flavius Josephus-The details and Proofs of Joseph Justus Scaliger - Pages 270-272
APPENDIX B- Addressing Black Hebrew Israelites Claims – Pages 273-299
Claim 1- Their Claim the Prophets of the Bible Were Black
Claim 2- The Ridiculous Claim of SHEM lineage
CLAIM 3 – The Ridiculous Claim that They have no genetic connection to Africans (Children of Ham)
CLAIM 4- Their Methodology for Determining who is an Israelite is Bogus
CLAIM 5- King James was not Black
APPENDIX C – Addressing the Jewish Peoples - Pages 300-301
CLAIM 1 - Moses was not their Prophet
CLAIM 2 – Jewish People are not a distinct race of people- Invention of the Jewish People- Being Jewish is ONLY a religion
CLAIM 3 – The Claim to Lands in the Middle East Based on History are Bogus
APPENDIX D – How To Set Chronology Based on a Proper Knowledge of Astronomy – The Only Accurate Calendar System- What is the Real Year and Why – Page 302
APPENDIX E- The Scientific Way to Discuss The Reality of God- Pages 303-308
Bibliography of Sources - Pages 310-314